Gouté Biscuits

The period leading up to the Vietnamese Lunar New Year (Tet) is a highly competitive time of year between brands, like pre-Christmas in the west. Since all the big brands also have special offers which tend to be heavily advertised in a tactical manner, which makes it extra hard for a foreign brand to stand out in this market. Goute is a korean biscuit brand that has unveiled a special (Tet) package with a musical twist. We opted to connect with consumers on an emotional level, instead of a purely tactical one, to build a deeper consumer loyalty for this challenger brand.

Insight: During (Tet), families always get together for meals and good times. Young single women (Our demographic in this case) always seem to be asked the same boring question: "When will you get married?"

Solution: Instead of going down a very tactical route like most brands in Vietnam, we created a short film that revolves around the usual Tet question, and a young woman's quest for love. Using humour, suspense, drama and good ol' tongue and cheek, the film was born. Our heroine eventually finds love thanks to the tune of the limited edition Gouté box that is on sale only during Tet. Furthermore, to extend the reach of the campaign, we created a huge Gouté biscuit box that toured malls across Vietnam. When users interacted with it via turning the musical key, performers would come out of the box to perform a drama about relationships.

The special edition Tet musical box was in such high demand, that it sold out in the first two weeks after unveiling and was re-issued twice. The campaign film itself had a record number of views for the brand Goute on facebook (2.6 million views, 37k likes)
